Summer is when the gardens start to really go bananas – high production! Any visit to a local Farmers Market can confirm. So it’s fun when work life flourishes in the same way. 

In my case, I spent the winter with new seeds of ideas buried safely deep down in the earth, and throughout the spring those same seeds worked hard to break through and unfurl. Now the sunny longer days have worked their magic – there’s stuff out in the light and it’s fun and satisfying to experience. As I’ve alluded to here, I’m adding new dimensions to my coaching practice, specifically around retirement and around end-of-life. I know that among you there’s quite a few who are bringing new ideas to the surface – business ideas, new ways of doing your current role, new adventures. What is it for you that’s germinating and coming to the surface?

The work of seeds busting through soil to the light is HARD. Our role in the garden – and in our lives – is to attend to the conditions which allow the process to unfold. For me right now, this looks like revisiting and leaning on a lot of the fundamentals that I relied on in the early days of my business – a decade ago. 

They are really proving their value once again, so I made a list to share here. Some will probably feel very simple – and obvious. Use as you’d like. I know that you’ve got other fundamentals in your toolkit – please share back with me! Here we go:

Be open. Be curious.

Follow ALL threads (eg a new introduction, a website mentioned in an article) until they become a dead-end – or officially a dud. You’ll know because your body will lose its spark, which brings me to the next one…

Pay attention to your body. As you follow all the threads (like bread crumbs), sometimes you’ll be excited to go find the next clue and sometimes you’ll feel bored or fatigued. Notice how those different states feel – physically in your body (quickening of heart, tightening or jaw, firing of quads, lethargy in arms) – and use that information.

Show-up/Follow-up. Honor any and all commitments. Do what you say you will do. Put notes in your calendar and follow your own instructions – meaning do not delete or ignore your own reminders placed weeks prior. Trust that you knew what you were doing when you wrote it down. 😉

Say Yes. When there’s an opportunity to experiment and play (and you feel scared), say yes anyway. When someone asks you to connect (and you are not sure if it will be helpful), say yes anyway.

Make time and space. New things take time – so make sure you are lining up your intention with your attention. In practical terms, carve out dedicated time on your calendar – and respect it.  

Set goals, action plans and accountability systems. In other words, set yourself up to create what you say you want to create.

Balance inner & outer effort. Inner reflection helps you get clear on what matters, what to aim for and why. Outer action makes it all happen – engaging with the world. They need each other.

Go looking for opportunities to play and experiment with your new ideas. The universe conspires to assist but you’ve got to have your radar up and be ready to join, jump, offer, agree.

Share what you are up to (like I’ve done here) so people can help.  

Be nice to yourself – talk to yourself in the same voice that you’d use with a friend who was starting a new endeavor – ‘be patient, you got this, stay the course, I’m so excited to see what you are creating’ …..all true.

I’m using all of these all of the time. And the process is evoking all the feels – fun, excitement, shiny sparks of possibility, fatigue, overwhelm, sloggy pacing. None last long – all is in motion. And the whole of the ride is interesting and worth it, because adding these new dimensions to my work matters SO much to me.    

Let me know what’s growing for you right now, and what’s the range of experience you are having? Of course, if you want to have any calls to talk about it, always my pleasure.