Feeling exhausted? You’re not alone.

I’m on the phone all day with responsible people – just like you – who are busily living up to their commitments and leading others in doing the same. In some aspect of your daily life (probably in all aspects), you are holding stuff together. Over the past few years of intense up/down uncertainty and plot twists, you have likely been the glue for your ‘team’ – the stop of the buck, the deep well. (I know this about you because I have the pleasure of knowing you and all you are).  

If you’ve begun a call with me in recent months by letting out a deep sigh, please know there are a lot of other ‘sighers’ out there. Even while our conversations cover exciting possibilities, successes and next steps – there’s usually a quiet moment where I hear, “…..and I’m kinda worn out.”

To the degree that a sense of shared experience can bring comfort, voila, I’ve shared it.  Beyond that, I don’t have a magic wand to make it better, but I do encourage you to pay attention and take some small (or big) actions to rest. There are some recharge ideas listed below, although it will come as no surprise to hear me say that the best source of recharge ideas for you is YOU.  

So begin there:  how do you best recharge? What’s worked in the past to restore and recharge? And then make space for whatever that is this season!

Some ideas to get the juices flowing

Reconnect with your core – what matters most to you? And how can you be more aligned with that NOW. 

Make a list of the wins/highs/successes/joys that you’ve experienced recently.  My guess is that you might not be shining the spotlight on them, focusing instead on what’s not working. 

Give others an opportunity to step up & take responsibility & lead. While delegation takes planful effort, it bears fruit in all directions. 

Ask for help. Not easy (she says from years of resistance). Very powerful. 

Spend time in nature. Color with big fat markers. Write with your non-dominant hand. 

Be still (a little bit longer than is initially comfortable).

Connect with people you care about. Play. Laugh. 

I’d love to hear how you are honoring your ‘worn-out-edness.’ Please tell me at kt@karyntcoaching.com. And I’ll be back in the New Year (after having done all of the above myself!)