There is such a consistent mood out in my world of calls and Zooms right now. The words you all are using creates such a clear image that it felt worth a post.  

The best way I can explain the sense is to say that it feels like we’re all at a construction site that is breathing back to life after a long pause. Maybe the work had been stalled due to an environmental issue that needed addressing (this is a rather straightforward metaphor, no?).    

Last week a horn sounded signaling a return to movement. The long round horn blast, ‘Wooongk’, was met with the reply ‘Vroom-chug-chug’ – the sound of all the construction equipment’s engines shaking off the inertia, and starting to ignite and build up power. I need to acknowledge before you read any further that my observations this week come from a decidedly US-perspective. And I know that the timing of that ‘Wooongk’ signal is not the same around the globe. Different stages in this pandemic’s hold for different places. Since many of you are stateside, and I am here as well – that’s the view I can offer for today.

At the construction site, there’s a loader, a lifter – ok, those aren’t the names – for me they all seem like enormous yellow kitchen utensils – a huge scooper, a giant rolling pin, some enormous tongs. Focused contributors to the effort. I watch them coming back online – back to life. Ready to lay foundations, create new paths, pick up where they last left off.  

As they turn back on, however, they are rusty. And I watch them struggle to change gears, then stall, refind neutral and try again. It’s like I can hear them swearing as they express their frustration with their general awkwardness. Each time one seems to find its groove, another backs up toward it – beeping that tenacious incessant ‘bemp bemp bemp’ warning sound. Action. Reaction.

The machines are awkward For Sure AND they are in motion. They are finding their rhythm. Reclaiming their movement. Building. Beginning. Creating. Like many of us right now. In the past week I have awkwardly (and happily) greeted a client in person. Oddly (and wonderfully) reunited with extended family around the table, clunkily (and gleefully) scheduled trips and celebrations. The activity is gaining momentum – this construction site will be in full gear fast. And other sites around the globe will continue to come online as well.  

All this new motion can be overstimulating and exhausting so a reminder to be patient and kind -with yourself and with others. I quote from the literary masterpiece children’s board book Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site, recommended by my amazing colleague (and Mom of 2 young boys), Emily,

“These big, big trucks, so tough and loud, They work so hard, so rough, and proud. Tomorrow is another day, Another chance to work and play. Turn off your engines, stop your tracks, Relax your wheels, your stacks, and backs. No more huffing and puffing, team: It’s time to rest your heads and dream.”

How’s it going for you – as you re engage your motor and begin to move around? Here’s some questions that might help offer perspective or insights:

Where are you finding traction? What feels awkward? What do you want to see constructed at this site? If you were one of these machines, what would be your current purpose or focus? Where do you want to stretch? And how will you recharge? And what might you do with what you learn from answering these questions?

I’d love to hear about your worksite, and I know we’ll be in touch!