The leaves in Chicago are simply stunning right now and I am really appreciating the restorative power of the trees in the park outside my building. Wanted to send over some short prompts  – which you may have even received from me before – to encourage you to get out and be with these beauties.  (You’ll pardon the shortness of this newsletter but the autumn days seem fleeting and this just popped in my head).

Today I’d like to suggest you Go for a Tree Walk. 

A what?  

Set out on a stroll in your neighborhood, or further out in nature, and pay very special attention to the trees.  Go slow and get up close.  Bring your attention to the trees around you while you walk.  You will notice details you may have overlooked before.  No need to overthink it.  Just take them in.  Can be a long walk, or a short trip around the block. A solo walk may invite the most focus, however, sometimes a companion wants to get in on the fun. All works.

As you walk, notice if one stands out for you – says ‘hi’ a little louder than the others.  Slow down a bit more to really notice some details – about the leaves, branches, age, texture.  Do you have a personal reaction – emotional or physical sensation in its presence?  There’s a lot to be curious about – have fun with it!  This is such a helpful way to slow down and connect with the rhythms outside of the regular routine.

If you have your phone with you on your walk (safely tucked away where you won’t be checking it), take a few photos of this favorite tree (or many trees!).  Especially if you live somewhere where the trees might be starting (or about to finish!) their change of colors, capture some of these beauties for winter reference. The picture above is my “best friend tree” that I try to visit daily.

It is always generative for me to spend time amongst trees in my neighborhood.  And I hope you’ll find the same.  I’d  love to see pictures or hear about your experiences.