January of 2016 I started this business. I was so excited and so scared.

If you told me then that I’d create a retreat in France that same year, I would have told you that you must not know me very well. I believed that I was way too cautious for such a big beginning! Much to my delight there was way more creativity, boldness and bravery in me than I even understood. And I share it with you now because I think you can relate – and I think it helps us connect. There is way more inside of each of us than we often understand. And, for many of you reading, we have had the fun of working together to find your core, and then to figure out how to best live into it.

If you are curious to know what I love about my practice, read on – this was an indulging treat to myself to write. However, totally get it, if you want to hop to the gratitude at the end – the grande finale. Be my guest.  

I love the moment in a coaching discovery call when I can sense the click between us and know that we can do cool work together. That moment has all the sparks of possibility. 

I love the crazy metaphors that come up in coaching calls to capture a particular observation. And I know I’m hungry when they involve restaurants, dinner parties, recipes or – best of all – bakeries.

I hugely love the shifts, openings, creations that clients make for themselves, their businesses, their lives. It is a gift to watch – and to see how impactful it is to each individual and ripples out to the world. Big stuff, right? Imagine how fun this is!

I love sitting at the airport gate waiting to board for France knowing that 10 other people are about to board their own planes, and that they don’t even know yet what will happen. I know there’s big magic ahead – simply by virtue of gathering together – in a spacious and delicious way.  

I love the moment after the nervous beginning of a new group workshop or program when we start to get to know one another and the room relaxes a smidge and off we go.  

I love learning new coaching ideas or techniques and then giving them a whirl with clients who are game. It is fun, awkward, and unknown – and speaks to our shared trust which I value so much.

I love the surprising connectedness in this work, like the day I found out that a new client was actually my cousin – a cousin I didn’t know, who didn’t know me either. 6 degrees of separation in the real. Wonderful. Sometimes in this work it can feel like world is a small marble. And all the interconnections and ripples of the one-to-one conversations are so palpable as they bounce around the globe.

I love the twice-weekly phone calls with my colleague, Emily, who lets me launch into a winding, random stream of consciousness download each time. She is so present for my moments of excitement and insecurity, and listens as I process new learning and float new ideas. It is so important to me to have her insights and friendship.

I love the whole new crop of people in my life through this work – wise teachers, inspiring coaches, talented collaborators, and overall awesome humans – around the globe – that I get to cross paths with each week. We share experiences, knowledge and tons of laughs. 

Here’s one that isn’t real yet – but will be…

I will love hosting some amazing event where you all will get to connect. I can barely contain my excitement because the shared energy of this event will be off the charts as you bop around the space and meet. What will be outstanding is for you to see all the many things you have in common – and the million ways you are beautifully unique. Even the introverts will love this party ? This is fun to think about (ok, especially now where every aspect of this paragraph involves less than 6-feet distances!)

When I say that I really believe that we can all be behind the wheel of our own success and joy in how we spend our days – I mean it. I have been behind the wheel of this particular coaching car now for 5 years. On a good day, I can even hover above the car and make choices from that birds-eye perspective. I love this car – sometimes it is covered with dirt from an adventure, other times it needs a tune-up from a bumpy road, others it hums perfectly – almost intuitively. Over the years, I’ve customized it and added new features – some which worked well, others less so. I’ve learned about caring for it as I go, and have made adjustments accordingly. Always it is a treasured ride.

Thanks for reading this. Thanks for being a part of my adventure. All gratitude.