Are you familiar with the expression “Make-Work”? This is the stuff that really isn’t needed to be done – certainly not in the moment – yet we think it has to be done – and likely promptly. So, we do it – only to learn that it was not needed or not on point. Cue resentment, frustration, fatigue. 

Sometimes we are the architects of our “make-work,” constructing urgencies, dependencies, and others’ expectations out of our imagination (it doesn’t feel like that but if you look closer you may find it true). However, lots of times, make-work comes from how we hear others – especially when there is a power imbalance. Being the stars that you all are, you may be familiar with jumping and running, spinning and twirling. Often unnecessarily. And you may also be the one who starts the swirl…

The cure is simple. Ask more questions – of yourself….of others. We all hear stuff, we interpret it, make assumptions, assign meaning. The inputs keep coming. And we try to make sense of them. The magic is to PAUSE before you act. And use that pause to make sure your understanding is matched up with the incoming info so you can evaluate the actual need or urgency. Push on the inputs a bit. Respectfully, kindly, curiously…..

Example: you have circulated a report with new data on a key project. And an email comes back from your boss: The numbers on page 10 seem high. You…. a) begin recrunching all of your numbers to cross-check, b) start updating your resume because your boss clearly finds you incompetent, c) send back an email with all of your data attached, d) and e) and f) – you can fill in. 

Was your boss expressing doubt? Or challenge? We don’t know. Ask some questions!!! Clarifying questions. Here are some ideas to try out: ‘thanks for highlighting that, what made that jump out to you?’ or ‘Happy to clarify or revisit, need some more info from you before I do. What makes this top of mind? What other questions do you have about it?’ and ‘What are you looking for next – or from me?’.  

You are trying to get underneath the statement. What is it actually about – the underlying idea. And/or to widen the statement. What is it actually about – a bigger idea. Whether you look underneath or up above – either way, you are looking for clarity.

And – if you are the boss in this story (which many of you are), ask yourself if you are being clear. You’ve probably sensed when someone is about to jump/go/do when all you intended was to share an observation. You can clarify proactively – and please do! If you are in that power seat, it is helpful to specify intent at the onset of a chat or in quick follow-up to a comment – eg ‘an observation to look at down the road, no action needed now’.‘

The bottom line is that sometimes there’s more work to be done – and sometimes there’s not.  So when you catch yourself in jump & spin, downshift to pause & ask (and when you sense others are jumping, clarify proactively). You may save everyone a lot of time.  And with that extra time you can….read a book, watch a show, phone a friend, go for a walk, make brownies. These aren’t directives, nor are they intended to be all-inclusive. Just musing here, use your time as you’d like. 🙂 You’re welcome.

(note: communication styles & patterns differ human to human.  Noting the preferences of those with whom you work will accelerate this process. DiSC is a great tool to help, so if you’ve got a report, flip through it to refresh. And if you want to talk about it with me, let’s find a time).