Planning to get away for some restorative time this year? Perhaps it’s a dream or only a loose plan. Know this: there’s magic in that travel. Bigger than the voyage itself.  

When you step way outside of your everyday life, and turn the dial down on the pace of life, sprinkle in new stimuli and learning and wrap it all up with connection to others, well….you see the world differently and, in turn, you see yourself differently.  

Magic happens.

This Fall marked the third year that I’ve offered Shift Your Landscape, my labor of love retreat in Provence. And I believe the magic that happens there (while unique and beyond amazing) is available in countless other travel possibilities. And that it is present from the initial inquiry through the actual travel and long afterwards.  

The magic lives in…

Saying yes – you know the feeling when you hear about an opportunity and something in your deepest inside says, “I Want That”? Maybe it’s about a class, a vacation, an activity with a friend – you hear it, and you know it’s a match for you. Well, this is the first dose of magic. For my retreats, it’s the moment when someone I’m talking with starts to have little lights dancing in their eyes. And, without hesitation, out pop the words, “I’m In”. No further questions. Honestly. None. Sign me up. The first magic is this gift of trust in ourselves. Let me be clear – the “yes” is internal.  Sometimes it takes months to surface it out loud. Either way, however, there was that immediate physical clue.

Which brings me to the love – this type of trip is a gift to self. And, yes, that gift can often be wrapped in guilt. We are encouraged all day long to allow ourselves healthy doses of self-care; however, delivering on that idea is something altogether more challenging. The inner and outer hurdles to surmount in taking off on this kind of travel deserve to be recognized. Turns out, however, that we all deserve the same kind of care and opportunities that we would so willingly encourage for others whom we love. Loving ourselves the same way creates a new magic.

Actually going – Fast forward 6 months, 9 months, sometimes even a year.  The trip approaches. Busy, busy, busy – right up to departure. Through security, at the gate, flight on time. And – wham! everything grinds to a halt.  WHAT am I doing????????? I’m leaving all my responsibilities, getting on this plane, to go somewhere I don’t know, to do stuff I don’t know, with people I might not know. Self-doubt, nerves, excitement – and growth. Overwhelming and destabilizing possibility. The magic is happening again. Out of the comfort zone and into the big wide open – literally.  

Meeting yourself anew – the change of scenery opens us up. Leaving all the daily junk behind gives the chance to get more clear about your core. In the case of my retreat, we are out of the normal routine and operating at a much slower, low tech pace. It’s more quiet time than many have had in their whole adult lives. And in that slower rhythm, you get to spend time with yourself as both old AND new friend. It’s unfamiliar and also delightful to get reacquainted with you – as you are TODAY.  Magic.

Opening to others and their wisdom – if you are travelling on your own, there’s an additional magic – new connection. For my retreat, participants don’t know each other beforehand. Sure, maybe they know 1 person, max 2. Yikes! Often, when we prioritize travel, it is to spend time with those who know us best. In this environment, we begin as strangers and end as connected individuals. Co-creators. Experience-sharers. It’s a special mix of vulnerability and anonymity. And staying open, even if the little voice in your head starts to tell you to shut down or retreat, is a powerful growth experience. There’s collective magic in the shared voices, and in shared silence.   

Believing in the people who aren’t travelling with you  – the magic isn’t only felt by those who get to go on the adventure. The ripple effect washes over those who didn’t get to come. In ways big and small, when one member of a team/family steps away, the others adjust and shift. And there’s trust and belief on both sides. Children gain some independence. Partners are inspired by your follow-through, your boldness. Colleagues stretch and support. Magical ripples.

Carrying it forward – it can be difficult to leave the experience and imagine how to carry its magic forward. I know that when people spend some time reflecting on what is most important for them from the experience, they can capture a few of the magical embers. Put them in a jar.  Then, when asked the always loaded question, ‘well, how was it????’, open up the jar and fan one of the embers. Pick one that transports you to that magical place, that serves as spark. As you share the magic with someone else, let it work its magic on you too.

There are countless opportunities to travel in this way. The examples I draw from are from my Provencal retreat: Shift Your Landscape. And I can imagine a million alternatives. If you ask around your areas of interest: music, art, self-improvement, sports, food, language – I am confident you can hit on something that makes you say, “yes, I want that!”.  

And, if a dialed-way down, spacious stay in an idyllic French setting that dabbles in quiet, connection, food/wine, yoga, self-discovery speaks to you – let me know!  Or click here to read more.

Bon Voyage