History doesn’t determine our future, but it certainly informs it. Our own history is no exception. When it comes to how we spend our professional time, our CV presents the data in chronological order. But the space in-between the facts tells our fuller story – and is full of insights into our sources of joy in how we spend our time. In my experience, these insights aren’t buried that deep. In fact, they shine right out at us – IF and WHEN we go looking for them.

Have you ever done this kind of flyover? It is really worth your time – because when we surface the shiny glints in our story they provide great fuel for our tank. They remind us of our successes, things we are proud of, moments of joy – and of fun. And who doesn’t need some of that energy right now?!   So, let me offer you an easy exercise to surface this information. You only need 10 minutes to get some great fuel – and feel free to spend more time if you are having fun!

When you have a little quiet space, get comfortable, grab a pen and paper, or your laptop – and here we go:

Imagine you are in a hot air balloon, hovering over the earth – and the terrain below represents your professional journey – can include paid and unpaid gigs, volunteer work – all the many ways that you contribute each day. As you look down from the sky, the sunlight captures some moments and sends a burst of light back up to you (think back to your last flight and the moment the sun hits something metal 10,000’ below and bursts it back up at you). Moments are shiny for different reasons for each of us – maybe they represent something you are proud of, or a project you worked on that was a blast, a time when your work was fulfilling, or positively challenging. Whatever shiny looks like to you. Write ‘em all down. Scan around – check in your home life, your volunteer activities, your jobs – where is the light bouncing back?

Armed with this list, it’s time to explore in more detail. Pick one (to start) and zoom down to take a closer look.What about that moment makes it shine? Perhaps the type of work? Or maybe the people, the situation? Maybe it was a project, a day, or a whole chapter of your life? Again – the reasons it seems shiny will vary person to person.

What do you learn from this exploration? Perspective, patterns and themes for starters. Are these themes showing up right now in your life? And, if they aren’t, how could they? This is all good information to inform your current situation and to help prioritize change.

In addition to gaining insights on the kind of work or conditions of work that matter to you, there can be the sheer simplicity of remembering positive moments that have been dormant. In recent Workshops, I’ve heard a lot of, ‘hey, something surprising jumped out and into focus. Something I hadn’t thought about in forever.’ And this recollection is energizing, and impactful – informs next steps. It helps to shift from a chronological ‘resume-timeline’ view to a whole person view. Reconnecting us with what pieces matter – not simply how they factually unfold.

I wonder what you will discover and I encourage you to share your findings with a friend, a mentor, a coach – someone in your life who listens well, because saying it out loud also surfaces new details and sparks. And it would be fun to hear how this goes for you, so feel free to drop me an email.

You can use this to inform a new career search, or to finetune the work you are currently doing. And you can simply use it to pause, celebrate and carry forward. Bon Voyage!