This newsletter has always been a way for me to talk to more of you one-to-one – in a different way than actually one-to-one, with the clear purpose of sharing common threads that I see in my coaching practice.   

And, right now, there are clear themes that surface from the range of conversations I have each day – conversations across a range of industries, geographies, roles – challenges and opportunities.  I believe you’ll find them validating and hopeful. While every conversation is unique, my hope is that you will see some part of your own recent experience in these observations. 

We’ll go in reverse chronological order because ‘starting from here’ feels most constructive these days. 

The undercurrents: no doubt that the energy of uncertainty, anxiety, and grief is always present – sometimes quieter, sometimes very vocal.  I don’t want to diminish it’s importance – being present with it when it surfaces is essential.  There’s also been a lot already said about it – more eloquently and expertly that I can; see some of the Standouts below. 

There’s another undercurrent that has bubbled along as the pandemic intensified and I hear it every day.  It seems to pop out unexpectedly – usually coupled by a look of surprise on the speaker’s Zoom face – it is the bold energy of ‘why not?! Under regular circumstances, the status quo can be hard to unstick and change. But when everything turns upside down and we use words like ‘unprecedented’ and ‘exceptional’ every day, well, it can open up the spirit of ‘why not?!’. Something you have wanted to do differently – why not? A relationship you wanted to reconnect – why not? A new service you wanted to offer – why not? Something In your work or life that is time to stop – why not? Every conversation I’m having has this kind of thread. It is contagious, inspiring and limitless.   

Highlighting Meaning & Impact: this past week the conversations have included more of a quest for meaning and impact. This is, of course, true in reflecting on the meaning of the pandemic itself – its lessons for us on many levels. Here, though, I’m talking more about personal meaning – who do I want to be during this time? What can I contribute or offer – or what more? How do my skills and talents fill a current need? 

What I am seeing is that every.single.person that I talk to is showing up in a meaningful way right now – and doing something to prove that. Yes, it is true that this is easier for me to observe – because I’m outside. So, do me a favor, and take a look at yourself from a proper 6’ social distance. Observe yourself – what meaning looks like to you right now, and where you are finding it. And how you are living it.  

Certainly, action and impact looks different for everyone. Impact can be one-to-one – propping up the morale of a family member, or with a whole team – creating new lines of communication and connection – more authentic and vulnerable than ever before. Or even on a local or global scale – pivoting creatively to use your experience to fill a critical front-line role, or respond to others in distress. It is yours to find – in your own way. I am 100% certain that your impact is already felt.

The downshift: if somewhere around April 1st, you dropped into a lower gear, you aren’t alone. The frenetic energy of the initial weeks seemed to calm (not for everyone, I know) and a quieter reality of a longer road settled in. Plenty of room for good days and great moments, and, yet, the energy shifted to a more hunkered down mode. A little heavier – maybe some resignation, a deeper commitment. The long view.  

The shutdown shift: I’d be remiss to not bring us back all the way to the start of the shutdowns because – wow! I was blown away by the resilience, creativity and productive spirit of you all. Make no mistake – there was a fair share of anxiety. Understandable. And, most certainly, a swirl of activity to shore up business, take action in support of employees, bring home college students, set up home school schedules, stock up, read up, and DO stuff. If that feels familiar (yet also a distant past), then you are not alone. If Week 2 had long haul roots, this first week was all swirl. 

From here: Next Up? Not sure. And that is such a very difficult place to sit. Continuing to be energetically up and down; that seems likely true. Forward moving – absolutely.  Greener outside – 100% yes. One step at a time. What is yours to focus on right now? And what is one movement you can do in support of that focus?

Thanks for allowing me to be part of your own experience – your kindness, service, resilience, creativity and dynamism are an inspiration to me daily.