People often ask me to help them find a new job, or to find greater happiness in their current role.

“I saw this ad on LinkedIn and I think I’ll try to apply.”  “There’s a new role being created in my office and I should go for it – because I should go for it.”  “How can I make myself like this job still?  It’s no longer as interesting for me.”

These words come out of the mouths of wonderful, amazing, talented human beings.  So talented, that when these individuals set out to make a role fit, well, there’s a great chance they can contort themselves to do so.  But if there’s too much contorting – and not enough aligning, then there’s a very high chance that it doesn’t stick. And an even higher chance that it doesn’t make their heart sing or bring them joy.  

Here’s why – bad math.

The focus is only on one-side of the equation – How do I be who they want me to be?  There’s crazy statistics out there that say that over two-thirds of people figure out their professional next steps by reacting to what exists.  Two-thirds figuring out how to fit in to the boxes that are presented. Given this hole-plugging strategy should it come as any surprise that upwards of 75% of employees say they are disengaged at work.  Operating in reaction.

I’m far from a math whiz but I do know that equations have two sides. And the formula for success and joy in how you spend your days needs you to show up to the equation. It is about crafting a crisp vision of what you want, who you are, what’s important to you – knowing what would make your day great. A much more empowered calculation.

Starting from clarity about what you want raises your Joy-Possibility Meter dramatically.

How to get that clarity?  One way is to start to gather lots of information about yourself.  Likely in ways you haven’t thought about before. I’m talking about shining the light on your values and passions.  And deeply understanding your interests and talents. In effect, as you gather this information you start to build your billboard.  It starts as a blank canvas and gets colored in with layers and texture of self-awareness and clarity so that the design leaps off the page.  So real you can touch it. Recognizable to anyone you are talking to.  After all, the point of a billboard is that it communicates a crisp message even while passing by at 70mph.

Already know all of this about yourself?  Fantastic. You have your crisp billboard. Share out elements of tha vision All.The.Time.  Magic comes when you share it.

Not sure about your billboard?  Time to start reflecting, documenting and crisp-ifying. I am 100% confident that you know what goes on this thing. Carve out some time to ask questions like:

Of my many life experiences, what stands out because it was joyful? fulfilling? exciting? And, why?

What are my core values? And how do I want them to be present in my day?

When I feel motivated, what is present?  What is happening? And, conversely, what types of situations create stress for me?

Need some accountability to stay on track?  Check out this new program if you’d be excited to work through these ideas with me and a group of other billboard-builders.

Your side of the equation is essential.  And from that clarity, you – and everyone you meet – collaborate to bring it joyfully to life.